Where Love and Suspense meet...

Romantic suspense written for the glory of Jesus Christ.

My Current Work In Progress:

For Maggie:

Two demons have pursued Wil Endicott for the past fifteen years—his overbearing billionaire secret society member father, Richard, and his unrelenting grief over the rape and subsequent suicide of his beloved fiancée Maggie. Still followed daily by Richard’s spies who are out to capture him, Wil learns the man who raped Maggie might also have been Canada’s notorious Highway 2A serial killer. Suddenly, the nature of her death is in question, and Wil is compelled by his unresolved grief to determine if it was suicide or serial murder. He hires private investigator Faith Eidler to find the truth and the person—or persons—responsible. They face an uphill battle against a faceless force determined to thwart their investigation—including murdering witnesses and threatening Wil, Faith, and their families. They need the truth to avoid Richard’s goons and stop “2A” before he stops them permanently.

This novel is in the early stage of the publication process. Subscribe to my newsletter below and keep checking back for updates!

Filling The Cracks

Meet Beth, a young girl who finds herself in an abusive situation. She tries to survive everyday life while protecting her little brother, hoping and praying for someone to rescue them. This novella is available on my website. The first half is available to the general public. To read the second half, you must subscribe to my newsletter. Don’t miss out on this heartwrenching tale of courage and faith in the face of trial and pain.

Subscribe now to read the story in its entirety!

Subscriber Content Page

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The newsletter subscribers-only Subscriber Content page is new to the website and is found in the menu bar above. Only those who subscribe to my email newsletter can access this page, with new content regularly added, including the Prologue and Chapters Eleven through Twenty-Five of my novel Filling the Cracks, recipes for my favorite writing/reading snacks, and more. Subscribe to my newsletter today to get access.

“I’m a writer. You have the right to remain silent because anything you say may be used against you in one of my stories.”

— Unknown