Writing to Entertain… and to Inspire.

I am a passionate fiction writer and aspiring author seeking to glorify my Creator and bless others with the gift of creativity He gave me. Like the sparrow, His eye is always on me.

My specialty is writing romantic suspense and thrillers and I dabble in mystery as well, but I don’t limit myself to one genre or another when it comes to creating stories to touch and impact others.

Novel: Filling the Cracks

My new novel, Filling the Cracks, is complete! Chapters One through Ten are available to the general public on the My Blog page, so check them out! Chapters Eleven through Twenty-Five are available only to those who sign up for my Email Newsletter and can be found on the Subscribers Content page. Be sure to subscribe today!

Twelve-year-old Beth Clark and her younger brother Otto face each new day not knowing when the next assault will occur, only that it will be at the hands of the people who are supposed to love them the most. Beth strives each day to survive while being the brightest, most compassionate person she can be, caring for Otto and herself. From the house down the block, Marg and Frank Jones see what is happening and want to save the Clark children from the daily hell they live in but find it’s harder than it should be to get the social system and law enforcement to cooperate. Will Marg and her family succeed in helping Beth and Otto before they fall through the cracks like many before them?

Ashes Trilogy

The Ashes Trilogy begins with From Sackcloth and Ashes (formerly titled Ashes of Injustice), the manuscript I am currently editing and hope to see published soon. From Sackcloth and Ashes:

Two demons have pursued Wil Endicott for the past fifteen years—his overbearing billionaire secret society member father, Richard, and his unrelenting grief over the rape and subsequent suicide of his beloved fiancée Maggie. Still followed daily by Richard’s spies who are out to capture him, Wil learns the man who raped Maggie might also have been Canada’s notorious Highway 2A serial killer. Suddenly, the nature of her death is in question, and Wil is compelled by his unresolved grief to determine if it was suicide or serial murder. He hires private investigator Faith Eidler to find the truth and the person—or persons—responsible. They face an uphill battle against a faceless force determined to thwart their investigation—including murdering witnesses and threatening Wil, Faith, and their families. They need the truth to avoid Richard’s goons and stop “2A” before he stops them permanently.

Keep checking my blog to learn the status of this series.


I don’t shy away from controversial topics in the stories and novels I write.

I deal with real-life issues that trouble our world today like the various forms of abuse people inflict on each other, including domestic, narcissistic, and sexual abuse. I also discuss divorce, substance abuse, human trafficking and other issues that appear in our newsfeeds and on the television daily. I try to look at ever issue with the compassion of Christ, and the solution He offers to these troubles in our world. My novels promote love, not hatred. Understanding, not ignorance. I encourage my readership to respectfully interact with me about what I write in the comments section of every blog post. However, I will not tolerate hatred or animosity directed toward individuals or myself.

Subscriber Content Page

It’s time to subscribe!

The newsletter subscribers-only Subscriber Content page is new to the website and is found in the menu bar above. Only those who subscribe to my email newsletter can access this page, with new content regularly added, including the Prologue and Chapters Eleven through Twenty-Five of my novel Filling the Cracks, recipes for my favorite writing/reading snacks, and more. Subscribe to my newsletter today to get access.

“I’m a writer. You have the right to remain silent because anything you say may be used against you in one of my stories.”

— Unknown