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How my journey began
Hi! I’m Pauline J. Grabia! I live in Leduc, Alberta Canada with my husband, Stuart. My children include Meagan and her husband, Mike, and my daughter Emily, and her significant other, Casey. I'm a passionate writer of romantic suspense and mystery fiction in both the Christian and secular genres who, when not in front of my laptop, spends my time caring for my husband and home, serving in the church where I can help the most, crafting inspirational home décor signs, wreaths, cross-stitch, and diamond art. Next winter I will begin studying to achieve my Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology (MACP). I have my Bachelor’s degree in Education from the University of Alberta, have lived and tutored English in Dubai, U.A.E., and have written six full-length manuscripts. I am currently submitting my first query proposal and am posting a novel called Filling the Cracks a chapter at a time each Wednesday on my blog. You can find Chapter One here.