Reading List for January/February 2024
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St. Bernard of Clairvaux is often credited with coining the phrase, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” I had excellent intentions when I created my reading list for October and November of 2023. Unfortunately, life intervened, and I read only one-third of one of the books I listed. I hope you had greater discipline and success than I did. So, I have amended that list and will try again to read the books on my new list over January and February of 2024.
If the books in this list look familiar, it’s for the above reason. I am trying again, and this list is to refresh your memory. However, I reduced the number of books I will attempt to read over the next two months because, in addition to them, I’ll be busy reading textbooks from the Master’s program I’m beginning on January 8.
January/February 2024 Reading List:
1. The Last Exchange by Charles Martin
2. Shadows at Dusk by Elizabeth Goddard
3. Dark of Night by Colleen Coble
4. Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson, Psy.D.
If I manage to complete these books and have time, I will attempt to read:
5. The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr
6. None of This is True by Lisa Jewell
Looking for Reading List Suggestions
Do you have any suggestions for books I might enjoy reading? I would love to hear them. Though I usually read in the genre that I write in, romance/thrillers, I am open to reading other genres of literature, both fiction and non-fiction. Leave your suggestions in the comments section at the end of this post. Have you read any of the books listed above and have a commentary? Again, leave your thoughts below. I’d love to read them, but please keep them clean.
At the end of January, I aim to write a book review of Elizabeth Goddard’s book Cold Light of Day, the first book in the series that includes Shadows at Dusk, which is one of those listed for January and February.
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Pauline J. Grabia
For the past three or four months, I have been preoccupied with life and have not completed all the reading I wanted, so I’m sharing my January and February 2025 reading list containing a repeat of books I said I would have previously read but didn’t get to. I’ve also added a couple of new books to the list.