Musings of a Sparrow….
My thoughts about God, writing, and life in general….

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Story Structure Series: The Hero’s Journey
The Hero’s Journey or Monomyth goes beyond the constraints of genre or time periods. Its relevance to us today comes from its ability to deal with universal themes that resonate with people on an emotional level from every sphere. The plot is timeless…

Story Structure Series: The Fichtean Curve
In today’s post, we will explore a structure commonly used in various genres, including satire, speculative fiction, crime, and thrillers/suspense: the Fichtean Curve….

Story Structure: Freytag’s Pyramid
Last week, we examined story structure and its essential role in storytelling. Story (or narrative) structure is the order in which events in a story are relayed to the reader or audience. It can be thought of as the scaffolding of storytelling, holding the narrative together in a logical sequence or order from the beginning to the end. This week, we will study Freytag’s Pyramid, and the next post will explore the Fichtean Curve.

Story Structure Series: What is Story Structure?
Story structure, or narrative structure, makes up the basic foundation of storytelling. With a sound structure, a story rambles and makes no sense. So, what is story structure? It is the order in which events in a story are relayed to the reader or audience. It can be thought of as the scaffolding of storytelling, which holds the narrative together in a logical sequence or order from the beginning to the end....