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Welcome to Musings of a Sparrow, a blog by Pauline J. Grabia, a writer and aspiring author whose goal is to serve and glorify God and to entertain and inspire others with my works of fiction and blog submissions. A motif I’ve chosen is the sparrow.
Why a Sparrow?
I see myself as a sparrow. On the outside, I’m pretty much the same as anyone else. Average, neither stunning (in the current worldly definition) nor hideous, I may not stand out of the crowd. Sparrows are very much the same way. There are so many of them, and I haven’t seen too many colorful varieties. However, the Bible tells us that God knows about every sparrow (Luke 12: 6-7). The famous and inspiring hymn by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel and Civilla Durfee Martin has the line, “His eye is on the sparrow/And I know He watches me.” The truth is this: Jesus loves every single one of us so much that he knows us intimately and is always watching over us. All we need to do is place our faith in Him.
My First Blog Post!
This is my very first blog post! It’s been quite the learning curve for me in developing my blog and my website, paulinejgrabia.com. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as I navigate this process and learn daily about operating and writing a blog.
I write works of fiction, both “Christian” and clean secular, under the umbrella of suspense/thriller/mystery (with some good old-fashioned romance thrown in occasionally for fun). My written works will appeal most to adult women, but I hope to reach individuals of all ages, genders, and all walks of life with my messages.
Christian Author, or “Author who is a Christian.” What’s the difference?
My philosophy is that I am a writer/author who is a Christian, not a “Christian author.” What do I mean by that distinction? Not everything I write in the future will expressly mention God or Jesus Christ, quote, or allude to Scripture, though most of my work does. My secular fiction is clean, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t sometimes controversial. I don’t shy away from challenging issues. What I write may not always appeal to everybody, even in the “Christian” community. I have strong opinions on current issues but try to understand and respect the views of others, including those that are contrary to mine.
When I say that I am a writer/author who is a Christian, I believe in God’s saving grace through Jesus Christ’s propitiatory offering of His life for the forgiveness of my sins. I have been forgiven of my sins and granted forgiveness by my faith in Christ and by faith alone. I believe that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God. It’s my goal that my writing, whether expressly Christian in nature or secular, reflects my abiding faith in Christ.
The Future for “Musings of a Sparrow:
What can you expect to find in Musings of a Sparrow? I will write about my life as a writer, wife, mother, and woman of God. Some posts will deal strictly with the art of writing fiction. Others will be lifestyle posts reflecting the life experiences I want to share with you. Some will be serious and reflective; others will be lighthearted and fun. I hope these posts will inspire and uplift you as you see how God can use a simple ‘sparrow,’ like me, for His glory.
Please continue to join me on this journey of discovery and sharing. I look forward to sharing my life and craft with you and hope to hear from you.
Warmest regards,
For the past three or four months, I have been preoccupied with life and have not completed all the reading I wanted, so I’m sharing my January and February 2025 reading list containing a repeat of books I said I would have previously read but didn’t get to. I’ve also added a couple of new books to the list.