Finding Strength in Faith: Resetting After Loss Through Christ
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In times of loss, when the shifting sands under our feet threaten to cause us to flounder and fall, we can find solace in the rock-solid love and grace of Jesus Christ. Turning to our faith in Him gives us an anchor to hold us in place as we reset our lives and find renewed purpose and hope. Recently, the passing of my father-in-law and other significant changes in my relationships left me feeling swamped with grief and loss, unable to continue with my ordinary duties and routines. When I surrendered myself to God’s goodness and guidance, I found new direction and clarity.
Surrender to God’s Plan For Our Lives
When we face loss, we often find ourselves questioning the purpose and direction of our lives. In these moments of uncertainty and pain, it is crucial to remember that God is in control and has a plan for each of us, even if it is not immediately clear. Surrendering our will to God and seeking His instead, we can find solace and trust in His wisdom. As Proverbs 3: 5 and 6 remind us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Find Comfort in Scripture
The Bible is filled with verses offering comfort, wisdom, strength, and hope, so it is important we turn to it in our times of grief and loss. Verses like Isaiah 41:10 remind us where our strength comes from: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
The enemy of our souls tries to convince us that reading God’s word is pointless in our times of despair. He does this because he fears the healing power found in Scripture. The truth is God’s promises are steadfast and true as we press the restart button and dare to dream again.
Seek Support in the Body of Christ—The Local Church
The greatest gift of faith in Christ is salvation from our sins and reconciliation with our Heavenly Father. The second is that we become part of God’s family, a community of believers whose prayers, encouragement, and practical support are critical in restarting after loss. Lean on your church family for support during your time of grieving. If you haven’t got a church community, find one. Seek out an assembly that believes in the sovereignty and sufficiency of Holy Scripture and the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. No one denomination has the corner on the market when it comes to God. Find a community where you feel welcome, loved, supported, and encouraged to serve. Healing from grief requires the support of like-minded people willing to shower you with love and strengthen you through support and accountability.
Practice Prayer and Reflection Based in Scripture
Prayer and the Bible connect us to our Heavenly Father and His unfailing love and grace—especially during times of loss and grief. Jesus needed to spend time alone with His Father and emphasized the importance of prayer, teaching us a pattern or guide in the Lord’s Prayer found in Matthew 6. We must set aside time to be alone and quiet before God in prayer, confessing our sins, praising God for His grace and mercy, supplicating for ourselves and others, and thanking Him for His goodness and faithfulness. God wants to spend intimate time with us, and He speaks to us through the Holy Spirit-inspired verses of the Bible. Combine the reading of the Scriptures with prayer and supplication. Strength and comfort are found in this time with the Lord.
Embrace God’s Promises For the Future
Knowing that God is in control and has our best interests in His loving hands, we can rise out of the pain and confusion of grief and loss to find the hope necessary to dream new dreams and set new goals. Romans 8:28 declares, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” We must trust God to bring beauty out of the ashes of our loss and guide our steps as we reset, readjust, and renew.
From the charred remains of loss and grief, we can arise in the strength and mercy of our Savior to be renewed and healed by the power of His blood. Trusting in Christ and His perfect will and practicing active faith, He will reset our lives according to His purpose, bringing true healing and hope.
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Pauline J. Grabia
Recently, I submitted a manuscript to a developmental editor. That novel, FOR MAGGIE, is a project I have been working on in various forms for over half a decade. I was puzzled when my editor returned with the question of what genre I was writing in. I thought it was clear. My story is a Christian romantic suspense. My editor informed me that because my manuscript contained Christian themes, mentioned Christ, and quoted scripture, secular publishers or audiences would not accept it. I was aware of this. What surprised me was when she told me that due to the “dark subject matter,” it wouldn’t be accepted by Christian publishers or audiences, either. I had to decide whether to eliminate the spiritual elements from my book to target a secular audience or to lighten the subject matter and remove certain sections to appeal to the Christian market. I felt frustrated that, as a writer, I couldn’t explore the dark nature of the human condition and still be considered “Christian.”