Musings of a Sparrow….
My thoughts about God, writing, and life in general….

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Light Shines Best amid Darkness
Recently, I submitted a manuscript to a developmental editor. That novel, FOR MAGGIE, is a project I have been working on in various forms for over half a decade. I was puzzled when my editor returned with the question of what genre I was writing in. I thought it was clear. My story is a Christian romantic suspense. My editor informed me that because my manuscript contained Christian themes, mentioned Christ, and quoted scripture, secular publishers or audiences would not accept it. I was aware of this. What surprised me was when she told me that due to the “dark subject matter,” it wouldn’t be accepted by Christian publishers or audiences, either. I had to decide whether to eliminate the spiritual elements from my book to target a secular audience or to lighten the subject matter and remove certain sections to appeal to the Christian market. I felt frustrated that, as a writer, I couldn’t explore the dark nature of the human condition and still be considered “Christian.”

What I Learned at the Story Embers 2024 Summit
I attended my first Story Embers 2024 Summit this year. Story Embers is an organization to “help Christian writers enthrall readers with honest storytelling that depicts both beauty & brokenness.” (storyembers.org) Each year, they host a virtual summit with several keynote speakers and workshops over three days. I was fortunate to attend all but one live session over three days in late May. Fantastic presenters offered a great deal of valuable and encouraging information, and I learned too many things to cover in one blog post, but one main thought impacted me, which I will share with you.

Finding Strength in Faith: Resetting After Loss Through Christ
In times of loss, when the shifting sands under our feet threaten to cause us to flounder and fall, we can find solace in the rock-solid love and grace of Jesus Christ.

I am a Sparrow
If you’re reading this post, you have probably landed on the first page of my website or blog and noticed the images of sparrows. It’s a running motif. Maybe you’ve asked, “What’s with the birds?” If you have, this post is for you. If you haven’t, I’d still like to explain the significance of the sparrow to you. You see, I am a sparrow…